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“Recruitment for the Army of Love”
Join the Army of Love at SUPERDEALS.
Recruitment session with discussion and exercises
with Michelangelo Miccolis, Simon Asencio
and Staci Bu Shea
Sunday 23rd of April, 3pm-6pm
Participation is free
RSVP via e-mail is kindly requested as seats are limited: louise.osieka@ciap.be
“Do love and sexuality constitute a basic right? Should the community guarantee them? Should they be included among the resources distributed by the state? Army of Love is a group of activists which has been created precisely “to offer all-encompassing sensual love—care, desire, sex, and respect—to all who need it”, whether their bodies conform or not to the orthodox canons of desire, beauty, and physical and mental functioning.”
“Army of Love regards itself as an army characterised by camaraderie, a sense of duty, the pleasure of feeling at one with everybody, and an absence of egoism. It brings together people who give love because they have it in excess and others who receive it because they need it. In Army of Love, these roles are interchangeable and are constantly being exchanged. The group defines itself as “the most radical possible response to neoliberalism, capitalism, the winners-losers dichotomy, and fascism.”
Army of Love is invited at SUPERDEALS (Brussels) by Onder ons, an exhibition curated by Evelyn Simons and Isabel Van Bos, currently taking place in CIAP (Hasselt, BE). Onder ons explores how cultural values are produced and sustained today. It runs until May 14th, 2017.
This gathering is part of a series of presentations by the Army of Love, starting in Frankfurt and Wiesbaden in 2016 and continuing through 2017 with CCCB, Barcelona; Independent Studies Programme at the MACBA (Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art); and an intensive workshop and exhibition at Casco in Utrecht, NL.
Army of Love: www.armyofloveworld.tumblr