Katrin Kamrau

Katrin Kamrau (°1981, Lübben) engages in the processes of image-making and perception in relation to the medium of photography. Alongside the fundamental questions she puts to the technical image, the artist is interested in both the current and historical use of optical images in our society. In particular, she looks into the social interactions, power structures, role models and networks of relations that form around printed images. Up to 2010, she studied »Photography and Media« at the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences in Germany. She completed the postgraduate programme at the Higher Institute for Fine Arts (HISK) in Ghent, Belgium from 2012 to 2013. Kamrau has participated in numerous national and international group exhibitions, among others, at the M HKA Antwerp, at the ikob in Eupen (both 2014), at the W139 in Amsterdam, at the Künstlerhaus Bremen (both 2012) as well as in the Haus der Photographie, Deichtorhallen Hamburg (2011). In 2010 she was awarded the prize »gute aussichten – junge deutsche fotografie«. In 2014 she was awarded with the GWK Art Prize.
more info: www.katrinkamrau.de