
Remco Roes works with the fragments that he happens to find on his path. This inevitably incomplete collection is forced into fixed spatial configurations at regular intervals. The work thus comes into being by being attentively present on a given site.
Whatever happens there is filtered and finds its way into the impenetrable jungle that is his (temporary) personal archive. From there, the fragmented collection of objects, concepts, images, events, sounds is meticulously arranged into a resonating constellation. This always happens in close resonance with the exhibition space. These temporal moments of clarity are – perhaps – an ode to the instant moment and the direct local environment, where there need be no logic, but simply presence, time and space. Afterwards the installation falls apart again, into fragments. Into the fluid shroud whence it came. Sometimes fragments are ‘adopted’ in order to play another part in the future. Sometimes, the installation is simply left behind. The work of Roes balances between speaking and remaining silent, between intention and coincidence, between purposeful work and the uselessness of residual space.
PhD Research: The scenography of ‘a fundamental space of being’ through the reconfiguration of the status quo. This practice-based research explores how a given space can function as the basis for its own meaningful rearrangement.
22 february 2015 - 15h00
Public defence of my thesis: "Traversing the interior landscape: five dialogues in existential space."
22 february 2015 - 20u30
Official vernissage of Waiting Rooms