Rein Dufait / Van het reiken en het aarden

For Rein Dufait (Ostend 1990), the definition of sculpture is the adding or subtracting of material. His rigorous approach to his chosen medium has led him to develop a singular practice that is nourished by an insistent curiosity about material (whether natural or manmade) and a fascination with form (whether organic or artistic). In his work, Dufait confronts the fundamental questions of sculpture: how to divide space; how to combine textures; how to create volume and height. His sculptures are never narrative, seldom figurative, but often refer to organic structures. Always human in scale, they reveal an efficiency in construction that is fundamental to their meaning.
(Fragment from the essay Rein Dufait: Van het reiken en het aarden by Zoë Gray)
During his exhibition in the historical architectural atmosphere of CIAP, Dufait will be showing some older, but mostly newly produced works. During the opening night he will present his edition for CIAP, Boek der worstelingen: schetsboek (15 unique items, signed and numbered on book and with certificate).
27.01.2018, 19:00: Opening & presentation edition Boek der worstelingen: schetsboek
14.03.2018, 19:00: Guided tour with the artist.
This exhibition is supported by Sofie van de Velde Gallery