Alice De Mont / Subject 23

In her artistic practice Alice De Mont (Ghent, 1985) develops objects and subjects who appear as characters in a narrative context. In her videos and photographs these characters are identified by numbers starting from 0 to infinity. In her first film Subject One, Miroslav Novak (2010) a roughly sketched individual tries to find out who he is and how he is related to the scenography in which he has been placed. De Mont increases the number of her titles according to the presence of colors, facial expressions and dialogues.
The last few months De Mont created a new fictional character named Subject 23. This advanced individual functions as the author of a series of paintings (Paintings for Sculptures) that will be displayed in the vast council chamber on our ground floor.
27.01.2018, 19:00: opening
14.02.2018, 19:30: talk between the artist and art critic Dirk Pultau + screening of her video works in CIAP CINEMA