Growlers, Cracklers & Bursters

Noise is fulfilling a connecting role in the new group exhibition at CIAP. The visual artists are not sound artists, by defenition, but expand their visual practice in an auditory way.
With: Anna Godzina – Christoph De Boeck – Daan Gielis – Ersi Varveri & Lynn Depreeuw – Esther Venrooy – Floris Vanhoof – Imge Özbilge & Sine Özbilge – Jonathan Paepens – Karina Beumer & Peter Lemmens – Koba De Meutter – Lydia Debeer – Maika Garnica & Willem Coenen – Robert Soroko – Willem Boel – Winnie Claessens
The title of this exhibition, 'Growels, crackers and bursters', is derived from the willful names that the futurist Luigi Russolo (1885-1947) gave to his experimental machines. Together these Intonarumori or noisemakers populated a cacophonic orchestra and are considered to be a forerunner of the current noise music movement.
In analogy with Russolo's orchestra, the selected works form a dissonant combination of image and sound in which each work can be heard in isolation, but once again in relation to the other works. In an orchestral way, this exhibition was created in an associative manner and was designed in a dialogue with all the artists.