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CIAP CINEMA: Amos Mulder: selection of shortfilms

Amos Mulder: selection of shortfilms
Q&A with filmmaker
This week in CIAP Cinema: the alienating worlds of Amos Mulder. With his films, this Dutch filmmaker creates a parallel universe of daydreams, of short adventures that will take you to another dimension. Amos will be present for a Q&A.
The work of Amos Mulder combines film, animation, collage and music. His most recent short film WORD! was selected for, amongst others, the Klik Amsterdam Animation Festival, Go Short ISFF, Independent Days IFF, Athens Animfest, Imagine Film Festival, Pluk de Nacht Open Air Film Festival and the Netherlands Film Festival.
Be sure to also check out Amos’ instagram, where he creates beautiful collage art: https://www.instagram.com/amosmulder/